Midas SDK

The Midas SDK is a chain-agnostic toolkit to interact with the Midas Protocol, enabling developers to seamlessly integrate permissionless pools into their own applications



npm i --save @midas-capital/sdk ethers 

Depending on your machine configuration, you may also need this:

npm install -D tslib @types/node


import { ethers } from "ethers";
import { MidasSdk } from '@midas-capital/sdk';

const chainId = 56;  // for BSC mainnet
const provider = new ethers.providers.JsonRpcProvider('<YOUR-ENDPOINT-HERE>')

const midas = new MidasSdk(provider, chainId);

The MidasSdk object provides access to all the functionality needed to query, manage & interact with pools created via our protocol. See the next sections to get an overview of the possibilities it enables.

To get a sense of how the midas-sdk is used in a real-life, full-fledged web application, check out the latest section, Putting It All Together.

Last updated